Every year the student’s club of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics organize a Winter School for undergrads. It is a three days event, usually involving Turk and foreigner professors. Each one speaks for 45 minutes in front of near 600 young students.
This year the students invited my friend Nicollas Pollet (from the Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes Comportement, Ecologie, CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris, France) and my colleague Terje Steinum, a new member of the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department.
Since I am a foreigner, and I was already here, they invited me to present. I used this opportunity to tell about what I have done in the past and to promote my ideas about how to be a world class Molecular Biology and Genetics Department. Some of the same ideas are also explained in detail in a separate PDF document.
The slides I used are available here.