Blog of Andrés Aravena

Homework 1

14 February 2018. Deadline: Monday, 26 February, 10:00.

We have a lot to learn and too little time so we better start working soon.

  1. Watch a video of a presentation, such as the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” or any presentation by Steve Jobs since 2007. Write what do you think is special about them.

  2. Write 5 things that you think are important for presentation.

  3. Write 5 things that you think are the hardest in a presentation.

  4. Write what will be your presentation.

Send your answer in an email to Andres and Terje. Do not use attachments. Instead write directly on the email message.

If you use Microsoft Word or any other word processor, please copy and paste on the email message.

Questions 1 and 4 must have at least 100 words each, and at least 300 words in total. Your text editor or word processor can count the words for you.

For reference, this message has 174 words and I wrote it on the ferry.

It is advised to deliver at least half the questions on February 19.

Deadline: Monday, 26 February, 10:00.

Originally published at