May 10th, 2016

Welcome to the last class

of “Computing for Molecular Biology 2”

Plan for Today

  • Experimental Design
  • Simulation

Genome Assembly

Genome Assembly

Genome Assembly

Genome Assembly

Genome Assembly

Gap counter

num.gaps <- function(G,L,n) {
  start <- sample(G, n, replace=TRUE)
  start <- sort(start)
  end <- start + L
  return(sum(start[-1] > end[-length(end)]))
  • G: Length of genome
  • L: Length of fragment/read
  • n: number of fragments/reads

Gap counter

num.gaps <- function(G,L,n) {
  start <- sample(G, n, replace=TRUE)
  start <- sort(start)
  end <- start + L
  gap <- start[-1] - end[-length(end)]
  return(sum(gap > 0))

Gap counter

num.gaps <- function(G,L,n) {
  start <- sample(G, n, replace=TRUE)
  start <- sort(start)
  end <- start + L
  overlap <- end[-length(end)] - start[-1]
  return(sum(overlap < 0))

Contig counter

num.gaps <- function(G,L,n,t) {
  start <- sample(G, n, replace=TRUE)
  start <- sort(start)
  end <- start + L
  overlap <- end[-length(end)] - start[-1]
  return(sum(overlap < t))
  • G: Length of genome
  • L: Length of fragment/read
  • n: number of fragments/reads
  • t: minimum overlap length