December 6, 2018

About Quiz 4

Quiz results

  • 43 people attended the quiz
  • 23 persons delivered their answers
    • 20 lazy ones
  • 17 wrote their student number
  • 15 wrote their number in the correct format

What is the correct format?

Plots: bad ideas

  • plot(sra):
    • plots all the data frame
  • plot(day~log(bases), data = sra):
    • sideways
  • plot(log(bases)~log(day), data=sra):
    • log-log, not semi-log

Good plots

  • plot(bases~day, data=sra, log="y")
    • Publication Quality
  • plot(log(bases) ~ day, data = sra)
    • Good for analysis

Modelling genomic databases

13 persons did the model. All of them did it well

Two people did exp(coef(model)[2])

But nobody explained the meaning

Meaning (of life)

sra <- read.table("sra_bases.txt", header=TRUE)
model <- lm(log(bases) ~ day, data=sra)
lm(formula = log(bases) ~ day, data = sra)

(Intercept)          day  
   28.34146      0.00248  

Coefficients are log(bases)

In a semi-log model, we have \[\log(\text{bases}) = \underbrace{\log(\text{initial})}_{\texttt{coef(model)[1]}} + \underbrace{\log(\text{rate})}_{\texttt{coef(model)[2]}} \cdot \text{days}\]

Undoing log(), we have \[\text{bases} = \text{initial}\cdot\text{rate}^\text{days}\]

Thus, \(\text{rate}=\)exp(coef(model)[2])\(=1.0025\)

Meaning of rate

If \(\text{rate}=1.0025\) it means that the database grows \(0.2486\%\) every day

  • That is \(147.5\%\) every year
  • That is \(295\%\) in two years

Predicting the future

To make predictions using the model, we use
predict(model, newdata)

We need a data frame with one column named day, because we used day in the formula

The last day in sra is max(sra$day)

Two years after the last will be max(sra$day) + 2 * 365

so newdata=data.frame(day = max(sra$day) + 2 * 365)

Why we do quizzes

  • To rehearse the exam procedures
  • To test your learning
  • To do realistic work
  • To see if you can follow simple instructions
  • To find which of you will be good scientist

Quizzes are important if you want to succeed

How to analyze the “free fall” experiment

An ideal falling ball

height speed time
2.0000 -0.20 0.0001
1.9778 -0.69 0.0496
1.9310 -1.18 0.0988
1.8598 -1.67 0.1505
1.7640 -2.16 0.2002
1.6438 -2.65 0.2509
1.4990 -3.14 0.2976
1.3297 -3.63 0.3505
1.1360 -4.12 0.3991
0.9177 -4.61 0.4512
0.6750 -5.10 0.5004


What is the good formula this time?

We can use a logarithmic scale to see if we get a straight line

  • If we get straight line in semi-log then the formula is \[y=A\cdot B^x\]
  • If we get straight line in log-log then the formula is \[y=A\cdot x^B\]

Logarithmic scale

This is not any exponential

There are many possible functions that connect \(x\) and \(y\)

We will try a polynomial formula

A polynomial is a formula like \[y=A + B\cdot x + C\cdot x^2 +\cdots+ D\cdot x^n\]

The highest exponent is the degree of the polynomial

We will try a 2-degree formula \[\text{height}=A+B\cdot\text{time}+C\cdot\text{time}^2\]

A new column for polynomial model

We need to add an extra column, with the square of the time

ball$time_sq <- ball$time^2
  height speed    time   time_sq
1  2.000 -0.20 0.00010 1.000e-08
2  1.978 -0.69 0.04962 2.462e-03
3  1.931 -1.18 0.09878 9.757e-03
4  1.860 -1.67 0.15047 2.264e-02
5  1.764 -2.16 0.20016 4.007e-02
6  1.644 -2.65 0.25093 6.296e-02

We really have to add a new column

You may be tempted to use

model <- lm(height ~ time^2, data=ball)

But that does not work.

Exponents and multiplications in formulas have a different meaning

(that we will see later)

Linear model for polynomial

Now we use two independent variables in the model. This is different from the plot() function

model <- lm(height ~ time + time_sq, data=ball)
lm(formula = height ~ time + time_sq, data = ball)

(Intercept)         time      time_sq  
      1.999       -0.187       -4.929  


We used the formula \[\text{height}=A+B\cdot\text{time}+C\cdot\text{time}^2\] The linear model gave us \[\begin{aligned} A&=2\\ B&=-0.187\\ C&=-4.9 \end{aligned}\]

Predicted v/s original

plot(height ~ time, data=ball)
lines(predict(model) ~ time, data=ball, col="red")

It works!

Real values are near

Our experimental data has a margin of error

Also, the points are not exactly on the line

Thus, the model’s coefficients have a margin of error

coef(model) shows only the average

To see the confidence intervals, we use confint()

Confidence Intervals

              2.5 %  97.5 %
(Intercept)  1.9927  2.0053
time        -0.2364 -0.1386
time_sq     -5.0077 -4.8504

According to our experiment, the real values are probably within the shown ranges

Confidence Intervals

              2.5 %  97.5 %
(Intercept)  1.9927  2.0053
time        -0.2364 -0.1386
time_sq     -5.0077 -4.8504

NOTE: in this case

  • the real (Intercept) is 2.0,
  • the real coefficient for time is 0.2
  • the real coefficient for time_sq is -4.9

Our experiment

Some results

seconds   position   replica
132          10         1
208          20         1
261          30         1
336          40         1
364          50         1
443          60         1
469          70         1
522          80         1
523          90         1
132          10         2
207          20         2
261          30         2
337          40         2
363          50         2
444          60         2
471          70         2
525          80         2
526          90         2

Wrong result

seconds position        replica
0       0       1
82      19      1
184     38      1
260     57      1
315     76      1
366     95      1
417     114     1
469     133     1
487     152     1
507     171     1
0       0       2
109     19      2
217     38      2
295     57      2
351     76      2
397     95      2
465     114     2
484     133     2
509     152     2
550     171     2

This is not correct

The data must be exactly what we observe

Later we can transform it for the analysis

Raw data is sacred

Keep it true


Every serious experiment should be repeated at least 3 times

Without replication, it can be wrong

Replicas indicate that the result is repetible

Technical and biological replicas

In molecular biology we have two kinds of replicas

Technical replicas
the same organism, measured several times
Biological replicas
different organisms, measured at least one time

Technical and biological replicas

Technical replicas give you precise measurements of a single individual

This is what we do in Medicine

Biological replicas gives you data about one or more species

That is what we do in Science


We can also model position v/s speed

plot(height ~ speed,

plot(log(height) ~ speed,

Another polynomial model

Logarithmic scale does not show a straight line. We add another column to use a polynomial model

ball$speed_sq <- ball$speed^2
model2 <- lm(height ~ speed + speed_sq, data=ball)
(Intercept)       speed    speed_sq 
  2.002e+00   2.566e-14  -5.102e-02 

Confidence intervals

                 2.5 %     97.5 %
(Intercept)  2.002e+00  2.002e+00
speed        1.903e-14  3.230e-14
speed_sq    -5.102e-02 -5.102e-02
  • The interval for speed coefficient is very small

  • Also, we cannot tell for sure that it is not 0

To simplify our model, we can assume that it is 0

Does the simplified model works?

ball$simple<-coef(model2)[1] + ball$speed_sq*coef(model2)[3]
plot(height ~ speed, data=ball)
lines(simple~speed, data=ball)

Coefficient of speed


which is very close to \(-2g\)


Since \[\text{height}=A+B\cdot\text{speed}^2\] we see that when speed is 0 then height is equal to \(A\).

In this case the initial speed is 0, so \(A\) is equal to height_init \[\text{height}=\text{height_init}+B\cdot\text{speed}^2\]

The slope \(B\)

\[\text{height}=\text{height_init}+B\cdot\text{speed}^2\] After reorganizing we see that this is constant \[-\frac{1}{B}\cdot \text{height_init} = -\frac{1}{B}\cdot\text{height} + \text{speed}^2\] Since the line goes down, the slope \(B\) is negative, so \(-1/B\) is positive

In summary

\[\text{height} = \text{height_init} - \frac{1}{2g}\text{speed}^2 \] Which we can rewrite as \[g\cdot\text{height} + \frac{1}{2}\text{speed}^2 =\text{Constant}= g\cdot \text{height_init}\] Multiplying everything by the mass \(m\) we get the energy \[m g h + \frac{1}{2} m v^2 =\text{Constant}= m g h_0\]

Coils (again)

Coils oscillate (bounce)

plot(stretch~time, data=coil)

Coil speed also oscillates

plot(speed~time, data=coil)

Stretch and speed

Linear model?

In this case there is no linear relation between stretch and speed

But there is a relation between stretch^2 and speed^2 (why?)

Let’s include them in our data frame

coil$stretch_sq <- coil$stretch^2
coil$speed_sq <- coil$speed^2

Plot of new variables

Good. Now we have a straight line. We can do our model

Linear model

model <- lm(speed_sq~stretch_sq, data=coil)
lm(formula = speed_sq ~ stretch_sq, data = coil)

(Intercept)   stretch_sq  
       1.62       -40.00  

Model interpretation

lm(formula = speed_sq ~ stretch_sq, data = coil)

(Intercept)   stretch_sq  
       1.62       -40.00  

Using this directly we have \[\text{speed}^2 = 1.608 - 40.001\cdot\text{stretch}^2\]

Meaning of the model

\[\text{speed}^2 = 1.608 - 40.001\cdot\text{stretch}^2\] Therefore \[\text{speed}^2 + 40.001\cdot\text{stretch}^2 = 1.608 = \text{Constant}\] This is important. This value does not change with time.

It means that even while speed and stretch change, their relationship never change

This value is called Energy

What are the constants?

To understand the formula we need to have data with different \(K,\) different mass and different natural length

In this case \(K=20\) and \(m=1\). Rounding numbers we can rewrite as \[\frac{1}{2}m\cdot\text{speed}^2 + K\cdot\text{stretch}^2 = 0.8\] therefore when \(\text{speed}=0\) we have \(\text{stretch}=0.2\)

Total Energy

Combining this formula with the formula of last class, we have \[\frac{1}{2}m\cdot\text{speed}^2 + m\cdot g\cdot\text{pos} + \frac{1}{2}K\cdot\text{stretch}^2=\text{Constant}\]

This Constant value is called Energy. Here we can separate in three parts:

  • Kinetic energy: the energy of movement
  • Gravitational potential energy
  • Elastic potential energy

It is also valid for liquids

Pressure + Kinetic + Gravitational potential = Constant

(Pressure is an elastic potential)

Robots are coming

Google’s DeepMind predicts 3D shapes of proteins

What, When and Where

What is the minimal speed?

plot(speed~time, data=coil)

When the coil has minimal speed?

plot(speed~time, data=coil)

How to find them in R?

[1] -1.268
[1] 26