Andrés Aravena, PhD - Istanbul University
March 2nd, 2018
We see, we hear: Empirical Truth
We grasp the world with our 8 senses
But …
We dream
We have Incomplete information
“The Earth is flat”
Distrust of senses
The body is dirty, the soul is pure
Feelings are not important, but truth feels good
Beauty is not important, but truth is beautiful
Abstraction disconnects from details
Separate Essence from Accident
At the cost of loosing contact with reality
Math is not about nature. It is all imaginary
Math only exists in our minds
Math is the ultimate Humanist discipline
The priority of our organism is
So fast and gut decisions are automatic
Instead of thinking, we “guess” or “ask someone else”
Political power liked it: justified power
Homework 1: The “official” history is from a European point of view.
What can we say from the Middle-East point of view?
People believed that Earth was inside crystal spheres
All material is a mix of these four elements.
For example
Excess or deficiency of any of four distinct bodily fluids (humours) influences temperament and health
What other things are believed by smart people despite evidence on the contrary?
The age of discoveries showed that the old books did not have all answers
Where is the Truth?
The Truth is Out There