September 17th, 2019
Population: 17 million
Spanish colony 500 years ago (so language is Spanish)
Independent Republic 200 years ago
First Latin American country to recognize Turkish republic
OECD member, same as Turkey
Everyday life very similar to Turkey
1st world producer of copper
3rd world producer of salmon
Fruits: peaches, grapes, apples, avocado
Wine: exported worldwide
All these industries depend on Biotechnology
Bioleaching is much better that melting copper
The goal is to understand and improve the involved bacteria so this technology can be used extensively
Enables building new mines
It is like discovering petrol reserves for the country
We had a research contract with the main mining company
State owned, big enough to pay for long term research
We focused mainly on 2 questions:
Microorganisms can live in extreme environments
Microorganisms are essential to human life
They are the foundation of all ecosystems
Microorganism live in the most diverse environments.
They are the key to:
But only ~5% of them can be grown in the lab
If we know the DNA sequence for each relevant organism
Ideally the primer probably binds to the organism DNA, and probably do not bind to others organisms.
N.Ehrenfeld, A. Aravena, A. Reyes-Jara, N. Barreto, R. Assar, A. Maass, P. Parada, Design and use of oligonucleotide microarrays for identification of Biomining microorganisms. Advanced Materials Research 71-73 (2009) 155-158.
Since most microbes cannot be isolated, and given current technology, the modern approach is:
Of course the clusters depend on the distance we choose
Most of the sequences from environmental samples are unique
That is, they do not correspond to any known organism
The question is, given a DNA read, which are the “nearest” known organisms?
Here “closest” is in the phylogenetic sense
In 2001, the cost of sequencing the first human genome was USD 108
Today you can have your own genome for 1000 USD
The problem is no longer how to do the experiment
Instead is how do we make sense of the results
The universe […] cannot be understood unless one first learns […] the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, […] without these, one is wandering around in a dark labyrinth.
The limits of my language are the limits of my world
Some natural laws have been discovered using only mathematics. Later experiments validated these theories.
Mendel discovered genes using only math
Galton created the first Department of Genetics, and linear correlation
Fisher invented statistics while working at Agricultural research
“Student’s test” was invented by biotech working in beer
Physicists, mathematicians and engineers are publishing papers in molecular biology
Google has a company doing Big Data on 5 million human DNA samples, and correlating with diseases
Whereas throughout much of the 20th century computational and mathematical biology were niche disciplines, their methods are now becoming an integral part of the practice of biology across all fields.
Stefan et al. “The Quantitative Methods Boot Camp: Teaching Quantitative Thinking and Computing Skills to Graduate Students in the Life Sciences”. PLoS Comput. Biol. 11, 1–12 (2015).
It has been invented and developed independently in several places:
We have mathematicians in Turkish money.
Mathematic belongs to all humanity
It is something developed in our minds
It does not exist outside our brains
(although nature’s rules seem to be well described by math)
According to tradition, in the door there was this text
ἀγεωμέτρητος μὴ εἰσίτω
“ageometretos me eisito”
“Let None But Geometers Enter Here”,
(Euclides’ geometry is about logical deduction. It is the way philosophers think)
We need some training to appreciate its beauty
The same happens with art such as
It is like moving in the city using only the metro:
easy, but you can only go to places that others have already prepared
These places are crowded, and it is hard to be noticed here.
It is like having your own car. Depending on your knowledge level, it can be
You need at least to understand enough mechanics to know
Many people has been told that math is about numbers
And computers can do that faster and easier
Do we still need to learn math?
Yes, because computers do not solve problems
Mathematics solves problems. Then computers solve them fast
Since computers were invented, people say
Garbage in, Garbage out
Computers will always give an answer
If the question is wrong, the answer will also be wrong
To have correct answers we must ask the correct questions
This is the real reason we need math
Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms: it’s about understanding
It is a valid question
But I prefer “which kind of mathematics do we need?”
In my opinion, scientists need three fundamental tools
Biologists need also two practical tools
This has been discussed a lot
There are several combined reasons
Let’s see some of them
Well… it depends
3 x 4
3 x 4 + 5
34 x 45
345 x 456
Daniel Kahneman, 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
So System 1 is the default mode
Most of the time we use the cheap intuitive system
Rational thinking (i.e. math) is not spontaneous
The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics
These people are “pure mathematicians”
In real life, many mathematical theories have been developed as “games” that mathematicians play, something amusing or beautiful.
Therefore people invented the math before having a real-world motivation.
For example: non-Euclidean geometry is essential to Einstein’s General Relativity, but was invented 50 years before, as a game
Hardy, a number-theorist from early 20th century, said
I have never done anything “useful.” No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world
Today his work is essential to the secure communication on the web. Without his work, modern economy would not exist.
Hardy–Weinberg equation is the basis of population genetics
As we said, mathematics is a superpower
Some people already has that power
And they do not want to share it
One of the powerful (and difficult) aspects of math is abstraction
If two different problems are connected, we can change perspectives from one to the other
For example, analytic geometry connects algebra and classic geometry
We will do this a lot
The following is s problem from Diophantus’s Arithmetica.
Given two numbers, to add to the lesser and to subtract from the greater the same (required) number so as to make the sum in the first case have to the difference in the second case a given ratio.
Given a and b and a ratio ρ, find x such that a + x = ρ(b − x).
This course: “Tools for thinking”
The other course: “Tools for modeling”