Class 8: Vectors

Computing in Molecular Biology and Genetics 1

Andrés Aravena, PhD

2 November 2020

We want to make plots like this

From data like this

Source: World Health Organization website

Structured in tables like this


COVID-19 data

This is an Example

I will show you some commands to get real data in R

Follow all the steps carefully

We will explain the commands later

This example will show the possibilities

Download COVID-19 data from WHO

Open the webpage

This is a text file

The extension .csv means “comma-separated values”

Save it in your computer

  • Use the “Save…” option in your web browser
    • You may need to right-click on the window
  • Pay attention to the folder used to save the file
    • Try to use Downloads
  • Open the file in R
    • Environment → Import Dataset → From Text (base)…

One way to load data into R

Environment → Import Dataset → From Text (base)…

Find the file that you already downloaded

This will move data from the disk to the main memory

Change the name to covid

See the code in the console

The console shows the command used to read the file

Next time we can import data by writing this command

We can see covid on “Environment”

It is a big table, with thousands of rows

Lets make a table for Turkey

we will explain the commands later

Write the following commands in R

> Turkey <- subset(covid, Country=="Turkey")

Be careful with UPPER and lower case

There are two = signs in the command

What do we have in Environment now?

There is a new table called Turkey

Let’s see one single column

> Turkey$New_cases
  [1]    5    0    4    0    0   42    0  144    0  475  277    0  289
 [14]  293  343  561 1196 2069 1704 1869 1556 2704 2148 2456 2786 3013
 [27] 3135 3148 3892 4117 4056 4747 5138 4789 4093 4062 4281 4801 4353
 [40] 3783 3977 4674 4611 3083 3116 3122 2861 2357 2131 2392 2936 2615
 [53] 2188 1983 1670 1614 1832 2253 1977 1848 1546 1542 1114 1704 1639
 [66] 1635 1708 1610 1368 1158 1022  972  961  952 1186 1141  987  948
 [79] 1035 1182 1141  983  839  827  786  867  988  930  878  914  989
 [92]  993  922  987 1195 1459 1562 1592 1467 1429 1304 1214 1248 1192
[105] 1212 1268 1492 1458 1396 1372 1356 1374 1293 1192 1186 1172 1154
[118] 1148 1086 1053 1041 1024 1003 1016 1012 1008  992  947  933  926
[131]  918  924  931  928  902  913  937  921  927  919  963  942  967
[144]  982  996  987  995 1083 1178 1153 1185 1172 1182 1193 1183 1212
[157] 1243 1226 1256 1192 1233 1263 1303 1412 1203 1309 1217 1443 1502
[170] 1313 1491 1517 1549 1482 1587 1572 1596 1642 1612 1673 1578 1703
[183] 1761 1673 1512 1671 1509 1527 1716

This is what we call a vector in R

Now we can draw a plot

> plot(Turkey$New_cases)


Variables can store several values

In the previous class we used variables to store single numbers

It is useful to handle several values at the same time, all grouped in the same variable


The most simple objects in R

Group of values, all with the same type

For example, a set of numbers

 [1] 2392 2936 2615 2188 1983 1670 1614 1832 2253 1977 1848

Vectors are a data structure

The structure of a variable corresponds to the way the data is organized

Vectors are the simplest way to organize data

We will learn others later

Functions over vectors

In the previous cases we saw functions that work on a single number

> sqrt(9)
[1] 3

Now we will use functions working on a vector

Functions over vectors

vector to number

length(): Number of elements in the vector

> length(Turkey$New_cases)
[1] 189

sum(): Total of all values in the vector

> sum(Turkey$New_cases)
[1] 292878

Functions over vectors

vector to number

min(): smallest value

> min(Turkey$New_cases)
[1] 0

max(): largest value

> max(Turkey$New_cases)
[1] 5138

Two kinds of average

vector to number

mean(): mean value

> mean(Turkey$New_cases)
[1] 1549.619

median(): median value

> median(Turkey$New_cases)
[1] 1233

Basic statistics

vector to number

var(): variance

> var(Turkey$New_cases)
[1] 1074685

sd(): standard deviation

> sd(Turkey$New_cases)
[1] 1036.67


What happens if you use sqrt() over a vector?

Creating vectors

Simple concatenation

The function c() (“concatenate”) takes many values and makes a single vector

> c(1, 2, 3)
[1] 1 2 3
> c(10, 20)
[1] 10 20

Concatenation means “to put in the same chain”

Storing vectors in variables

We use the <- operator for assignment.

> x <- c(1, 2, 3)
> y <- c(10, 20)

Now we look inside the variables

> x
[1] 1 2 3
> y
[1] 10 20

Vectors can also be concatenated

Variables x and y are two vectors

We can concatenate them into a larger vector

> c(x, y, 5)
[1]  1  2  3 10 20  5

A number is a vector of size 1

If the vector has only one element,
you do not need to use c()

Instead of c(3) just write 3

Other ways to create vectors


A common case is a vector with the same value repeated several times

For that case, we use the rep() function

> rep(1, 3)
[1] 1 1 1

The first input of rep() is the value to repeat

The second is how many times to repeat

rep() can work with vectors

The first input can be a vector

> rep(c(7, 9, 13), 4)
 [1]  7  9 13  7  9 13  7  9 13  7  9 13

The complete vector is repeated

Second input can also be a vector

Both vectors must have the same length

> rep(c(7, 9, 13), c(2,1,3))
[1]  7  7  9 13 13 13

Each element of the first vector is repeated according to the value in the second vector


A vector with numbers between 4 and 9

> 4:20
 [1]  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Two numbers separated by :
results in a vector from the first up to the second

a:b becomes c(a, a+1, a+2, …, b)

Another way to write a:b

A vector with numbers between 4 and 20

> seq(4, 20)
 [1]  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

This is the same as 4:20

It is easier to write using :

Advantage of seq() function

We can go from 4 to 10 incrementing by 2

> seq(4, 20, 2)
[1]  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20

The function can take an extra input

But it is hard to remember the meaning

Function inputs have names

Instead of

> seq(4, 20, 2)
[1]  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20

we can write

> seq(from=4, to=20, by=2)
[1]  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20

seq() is more flexible

We can say how many numbers we want, instead of the last value

> seq(from=4, length.out=12)
 [1]  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15

seq() is more flexible

seq() fills the missing inputs

> seq(from=4, to=6, length.out=5)
[1] 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

Learn more in the Help page

How to use functions

The inputs are inside round parenthesis

Their role given by position or by name

If the input is optional, then you must write its name

The help page shows what is the default value

Arithmetic with vectors

Take two same-length vectors

> a <- 1:8
> a
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
> b <- seq(from=2, by=3, length.out=8)
> b
[1]  2  5  8 11 14 17 20 23

(this is just an example)

Arithmetic of vectors and vectors

> a + b
[1]  3  7 11 15 19 23 27 31
> a - b
[1]  -1  -3  -5  -7  -9 -11 -13 -15
> a * b
[1]   2  10  24  44  70 102 140 184

Works component by component

Arithmetic of vectors and numbers

> a + 2
[1]  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
> a - 2
[1] -1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6
> a * 2
[1]  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16

Again, component by component

Component by component

We can make new vectors by combining

  • two vectors of the same length
  • one vector and a single number
    • That is, with a vector of length 1

Question: What happens if the vectors do not have the same length?


  • We can create vectors with c(), rep(), and seq()
  • a:b is the shorthand of seq(from=a, to=b)
  • We can read vectors from files (more detail later)
  • We can use functions over vectors
    • Some functions give another vector
    • Some functions give a number
  • We can do arithmetic with vectors
    • vector with vector, same length
    • vector with number