The previous course was “Introduction to Data Science”
This course is “Scientific Computing”
for Molecular Biology and Genetics
Computers are essential tools for Molecular Biologists
They control the instruments
The help us to understand the results
They help us to design the experiments
We will focus on the last 2 items
"Scientists spend an increasing amount of time building and using software.
However, most scientists are never taught how to do this efficiently"
“Software is as important to modern scientific research as telescopes and test tubes”
“…recent studies have found that scientists typically spend more than 30% of their time developing software…”
“We believe that software is just another kind of experimental apparatus and should be built, checked, and used as carefully as any physical apparatus”
"However, most scientists do not know how reliable their software is.
This can lead to serious errors impacting the central conclusions of published research"
“Recent high-profile retractions, technical comments, and corrections because of errors in computational methods include papers in Science, PNAS, the Journal of Molecular Biology, Ecology Letters, the Journal of Mammalogy, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Hypertension, and The American Economic Review”.
Wilson et al. “Best Practices for Scientific Computing.” PLoS Biology 12,1 (2014)
Modern biology increasingly requires computational and quantitative methods to collect, process, and analyze data, as well as to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems.
Whereas throughout much of the 20th century computational and mathematical biology were niche disciplines, their methods are now becoming an integral part of the practice of biology across all fields.
Stefan et al. “The Quantitative Methods Boot Camp: Teaching Quantitative Thinking and Computing Skills to Graduate Students in the Life Sciences”. PLoS Computational Biology 11, 1–12 (2015).
The authors say:
“We broadly categorize these goals into three domains”
Developing practical programming skills (“doing”) is of limited use if one does not also develop both the ability to think about problems algorithmically (“thinking”) and a positive attitude towards computing (“feeling”).
Students should be able to
Students will be able to
(we already did this)
Students should
A lot of practice
Solving problems from Molecular Biology
Remember that you can ask any question related to the course
On the Web:
by Email:
You get 1 point for each real question, and 2 points for each practical answer
Deadline: End of March
If you did this course before, you will not be bored
We will teach different tools this time
We will not teach Turtle Graphics
We will do more Systems Simulations
It will make you
Scientist work is to understand Nature
We start by Observing Nature, usually measuring values.
These are exploratory experiments.
We study this in other courses.
The thing we study must be repetible, and we need to see that repetition.
In CMB1 we learn how to find them using plots, linear models, clustering, etc.
This is the most important part.
Good answers to bad questions are useless.
Good questions are good, even if we don’t have answers
In this course we will study how to…
…answer these questions using models and explanations, and…
In this course we will study how to…
…make predictions that we can test in the lab…
These are validation experiments.
If the results do not match the prediction, we know that the explanation is wrong. Two steps back.
Now we publish our data and model, so other scientists validate or reject it.
In CMB1 we learned how to write well organized papers.
If the paper is accepted and published, our work becomes part of our shared human knowledge.
The goal of Science is to produce new Knowledge.
Now when we observe Nature we use our new Knowledge
We look for new Patterns that raise new Questions.
This course will teach you
How to solve hard problems
using computational thinking
You do not need a computer
You just need a brain
Computational thinking is about
problem solving
Almost any problem can be solved using computational thinking
For example: Sports, Projects, Science
This will be an advantage in any professional environment
This course will help you to understand complex systems, like
You will see why simple explanations are usually wrong