Class 6: Local DNA statistics

Computing for Molecular Biology 2

Andrés Aravena, PhD

26 March 2021

Why we do statistics on the sequence?

Statistics tells a story that makes sense of the data

In genomics, we look for biological sense

That story can be global: about the complete genome

Or can be local: about some region of the genome

Last class we saw global properties

Local statistics

Local statistics look only through a small window

A window is a part of the genome,

  • from an initial position,
  • and with a fixed size

For example, we can analyze a region of 500 bp starting at position 3000 of the genome

First, we load E.coli genome

chromosomes <- read.fasta("NC_000913.fna", seqtype="DNA", set.attributes = FALSE)
[1] 1
genome <- chromosomes[[1]]
[1] 4641652

Remember the GC content function

This is version 3, but we use a shorter name

gene_GC_content <- function(dna) {
    V <- toupper(dna)
    count_C <- sum(V=="C")
    count_G <- sum(V=="G")
    GC_content <- (count_C +count_G)/length(V)

This is a global statistic. Test it with the complete genome

[1] 0.5079071


Calculate the GC content for only part of the genome

Instead of all the genome, we only look through a window

The result should depend on:

  • the position of the window
  • the size of the window
  • the genomic sequence

In plain English

  • Inputs are position, size, and dna
  • we know how to calculate GC content of a complete sequence
    • we can use gene_GC_content()
  • we need to “cut” dna in a fragment starting at position
    • the fragment must be of length size
  • we need to use indices starting at position
    • the vector of indices must be of length size

Write the function

The new function looks like this

window_GC_content <- function(position, size, dna) {
    # we need to use indices starting at `position`
    # the vector of indices must be of length `size`
    # we need to "cut" `dna` using the indices
    # we use `gene_GC_content()` on the dna fragment

What should be the code?

Remember the seq() function

seq(from, to, by, length.out)

All inputs are optional

Choose carefully which ones to use

Examples of seq()

seq(from=5, to=14)
 [1]  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14
seq(from=5, length.out=10)
 [1]  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14
seq(from=5, to=30, by=3)
[1]  5  8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29

Looking at the window

position 3000, size 500

window <- genome[seq(from=3000, length.out=500)]

In the general case, we can write

window <- genome[seq(from=start, length.out=size)]

Our code

window_GC_content <- function(position, size, dna) {
    # we need to use indices starting at `position`
    # the vector of indices must be of length `size`
    indices <- seq(from=position, length.out=size)

    # we need to "cut" `dna` using the indices
    window <- dna[indices]

    # we use `gene_GC_content()` on the dna fragment
    answer <- gene_GC_content(window)

Using our code in many places

We traverse the genome with several windows of fixed size

Each window starts after the end of the previous one

In other words, the windows do not overlap

Create a vector with the window’s positions

We start at the first DNA position, until the last

Be careful to not step out of DNA

win_pos <- seq(from=1, to=length(genome)-size, by=size)

Now we apply window_GC_content to each element of win_pos

sapply(win_pos, window_GC_content, window_size, genome)

The result depends on window_size


win_pos <- seq(from=1, to=length(genome)-1E4, by=1E4)
gc <- sapply(win_pos, window_GC_content, 1E4, genome)

We can also use pipes

seq(from=1, to=length(genome)-1E4, by=1E4) %>%
    sapply(window_GC_content, 1E4, genome) %>% plot()

GC Skew through the genome

GC Skew

What is the ratio of \(G-C\) respect to \(G+C\)?

Calculate the ratio \[\frac{G-C}{G+C}\]

using several windows. What do you see?

We use the function from last class

calculate_GC_skew <- function(dna) {
    V <- toupper(dna)
    count_C <- sum(V=="C")
    count_G <- sum(V=="G")
    GC_skew <- (count_G-count_C)/(count_C+count_G)

Test it with the complete genome

[1] -0.001125755

Same logic for the “windowed” version

window_GC_skew <- function(position, size, dna) {
    # we need to use indices starting at `position`
    # the vector of indices must be of length `size`
    indices <- seq(from=position, length.out=size)

    # we need to "cut" `dna` using the indices
    window <- dna[indices]

    # we use `calculate_GC_skew()` on the dna fragment
    answer <- calculate_GC_skew(window)

Evaluate gc_skew() window by window

win_pos <- seq(from=1, to=length(genome)-1E4, by=1E4)
gc <- sapply(win_pos, window_GC_skew, 1E4, genome)
plot(gc, type="l", xlab="Position in the Genome", ylab="GC skew")

GC skew and genome replication

GC skew changes sign at the boundaries of the two replichores

This corresponds to DNA replication origin or terminus

The replication origin is usually called ori.

DNA replication

Marie Touchon, Eduardo P.C. Rocha, (2008), From GC skews to wavelets: A gentle guide to the analysis of compositional asymmetries in genomic data,
Biochimie, Volume 90, Issue 4,