We can say that there are two kinds of problems
… can be solved quickly
For example
5 × 7?
Take longer time to solve
For example
78 / 6
If we think that
78 / 6 = 13
We can easily verify this solution doing
13 × 6 = 78
It is useful to say that
Find the value of
Find the value of
When you find a solution, it is easy to verify
Multiply two prime numbers
[1] 26842183
Find the two prime numbers that are factors of this
[1] 26164559
All Internet security is based on this idea
It is based on factorization of large numbersinto prime numbers
As you can realize, if you know how to solve the forward problem, you can solve the backward problem by brute force
You try several starting points, apply the forward method and see if you find the backward end point
For example, to solve 78/6 you can try
[1] 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90
Is there a way that a hard problem becomes a easy problem?
In some cases, yes
In general, probably no
So one day Internet security may finish
If you want to know more, google “P versus NP problem”
We saw this last class and in the Midterm Exam
Like in deterministic systems, we have two cases: