Class 8: What is a 𝑝-value?

Methodology of Scientific Research

Andrés Aravena, PhD

2 Jun 2021


Humans are good at finding patterns

Even when there is no pattern

Sometimes we overgeneralize

This is called “Pareidolia”


How do we know if the pattern is real?

This is what we want to learn today

Is the gene differentially expressed?

Let’s say we measured the differential expression of a gene several times

We want to know if the real differential expression is not zero

Is the gene differentially expressed?

We want to find a confidence interval for the real differential expression

And we want to see if 0 is in the interval

Assumption: Noise is Normal

We measure the biological signal and noise from the instrument

In general, after normalization, we can assume that the noise follows a normal distribution

If the real expression is \(μ\), then we measure \[X ∼ Normal(μ, σ^2)\]

The average is close to \(μ\)

For each gene we calculate the average \(\bar{X}\)

We know that the average will follow a normal \[\bar{X} ∼ Normal(μ, σ^2/n)\] Thus we can make an interval for \(μ\) \[\bar{X}-k⋅σ/\sqrt{n} ≤μ ≤ \bar{X}+k⋅σ/\sqrt{n}\] We have to choose \(k\) depending on the confidence level we aim

If we don’t know the distribution

We can always use Chebyshev’s Theorem

k Probability
2 ≥ 1-1/22 = 75%
3 ≥ 1-1/32 = 88.9%
10 ≥ 1-1/102 = 99%
31.6 ≥ 1-1/1000 = 99.9%
k ≥ 1-1/k2

but these intervals are too wide to be useful

If the population has Normal distribution

In this case we know that the distribution is Normal, so

k Probability
1.959964 95%
2 ≈ 95%
2.5758293 99%
3 ≈ 99%

(These values can be found in tables, or using the computer)

How to find 𝑘

Take the Normal curve with mean 0 and variance 1

We want the blue area to be large.
So the white area should be small

Looking for 𝑘

If the blue area is 1-α, then the white area is α

The area of each white part is α/2.
We lool for the points 𝑘 giving areas α/2 and 1-α/2

Looking for 𝑘

For example, 95% confidence means that 1-α=0.95

Therefore α=0.05, and α/2=0.025

We look for 0.025 and 0.975 in the table

[1] -1.959964
[1] 1.959964

There is only one problem

We don’t know \(σ\)

Until now we have assumed that we knew the population standard deviation

But we do not

We can approximate it with the sample standard deviation

But we have to pay a cost

The price to pay: Student’s t distribution

This one depends on the degrees of freedom

Student’s t has fat tails

The price to pay for not knowing the population variance is to use Student’s t instead of Normal distribution.

Intervals using Student’s t are wider (and less useful)

To avoid this problem, and get an useful results, we need large enough samples

Finding 𝑘

k (df=2) k (df=5) k (df=10) Normal Probability
4.3 2.57 2.23 1.96 95%
9.92 4.03 3.17 2.58 99%
31.6 6.87 4.59 3.29 99.9%


Here we have the measured differential gene expression of several genes

Replica 1 Replica 2 Replica 3
-0.6356720 0.5445543 0.5056405
0.9198619 -0.6887110 -0.2273942
1.1870043 1.0710029 1.3180957
0.1376069 1.7086511 1.1611300
0.8551033 -1.0060231 0.4222059

There are three biological replicas for each gene

Case 1

The values of first gene are

[1] -0.6356720  0.5445543  0.5056405

The mean is

[1] 0.1381743

The standard deviation is

[1] 0.6704529

Interval for Case 1

We have 𝑛=3 values, and we are estimating 1 value (the mean)

Thus, we have 3-1=2 degrees of freedom

The t distribution for 95% and 2 degrees of freedom is

[1] 4.302653

Thus, the 95%-confidence interval for the expression is

[1] -2.746552  3.022900

The interval contains 0, so it seems that the gene is not differentially expressed

Case 2

The values of first gene are

[1] 1.187004 1.071003 1.318096

The mean is

[1] 1.192034

The standard deviation is

[1] 0.1236232

Interval for Case 2

The t distribution for 95% and 2 degrees of freedom is

[1] 4.302653

Thus, the 95%-confidence interval for the expression is

[1] 0.6601268 1.7239418

The interval does not contain 0, so it seems that the gene is differentially expressed

Redoing at 99% confidence

The t distribution for 99% and 2 degrees of freedom is

[1] 9.924843

Thus, the 99%-confidence interval for the expression is

[1] -0.03490616  2.41897477

Now the interval contains 0, so it seems that the gene is not differentially expressed

What is the “good” confidence level?

Asking the inverse question

In Case 2 we have different results depending on the confidence level

One can ask “What is the largest confidence level that will not include 0?”

In other words, what is the smallest α that will not include 0?

That is the 𝑝-value

Calculating the 𝑝-value

The interval can be written as \[-k⋅sd(X)/\sqrt{n} ≤ \bar{X} - μ ≤ k⋅sd(X)/\sqrt{n}\] In the limit case we have \[\bar{X}-μ = k⋅sd(X)/\sqrt{n}\] so \[k=\frac{\bar{X}-μ}{sd(X)/\sqrt{n}}\]

Looking for 𝑘

In this case we have n=3, mean=1.192 and sd=0.124, so \[k=\frac{1.192}{0.124/\sqrt{3}} = 5.567\] We use this value to find α in the table

1-pt(mean(X)/sd(X)/sqrt(3), df=3-1)
[1] 0.01539187

The best confidence level is 1-α=0.985