Blog of Andrés Aravena
Course Homepage:

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

26 September 2019

This course is an Introduction to Scientific Computing for students of all sciences. We use Linux to learn the basic tools that allow us to handle structured data and extract valuable scientific information from it.

This page will be updated during the semester. Please check it regularly.

Course Forum

Please visit and register yourself. Then you can write your questions, answer other people’s answers, and check the previous messages. You can also send your questions by email to .

Slides used in classes

Some material is presented only on the blackboard, so you need to take good notes on classes to improve your learning. We recommend taking notes with pen and paper using the Cornell Method.

On line material

Videos interviews to Arthur C. Clark


By regulation from the Rectory, students need to attend at least 70% of the classes. The attendance book is updated every week and can be seen in Google Sheets. Please check it and verify if it is right.