Blog of Andrés Aravena
Course Homepage:

Computing in Molecular Biology 1

Introduction to Data Science

16 September 2019

This course is an introduction to Data Science for students of Molecular Biology. We use the R language to learn the basic tools to handle structured data and extract valuable scientific information from it.

What people say about this course:

Molecular Biology is going around computing and informatics in these days. Obtaining data is easy and cheap, processing data is hard and expensive to do and learn. A molecular biologist have to be able to understand what he/she produced. Otherwise he/she is a pipetting robot. Informatics and computing is what you have to learn, work harder.

Kaan İhsan Eşkut

Computing in Molecular Biology course was really hard to understand for us. In first year I failed with FF, then next year I passed with AA. I was able to pass when I understand the purpose of the computational methods, how important they are and how can we use it in molecular biology.

Eda Şamiloğlu

The course content and problems are very educational for beginner students but the main problem is that they have no perspective about computational sciences they have just thinking passing exam and move on. Everything about the course is depends on students behaviour and I think the lecturer makes a great effort for teaching so if students do not want to learn they will lose themselves.

Faruk Üstünel

This course was so interesting for me. I really didn’t like computers and I didn’t know anything about course and programing skills. This course was so much useful for me. I could understand your expression and your body language, but it was so fast for me because everything was new and hard for me, so understanding was hard.

Melis Ataözü

Tabi ki bu dersleri seçerken en önemli etken hepimizin bildiği bir gerçek, moleküler biyolojide bilgisayarın önemidir. Yine bildiğimiz gibi, yaptığımız deneyler, elde ettiğimiz veriler , düzgün bir şekilde analiz edilip anlamlı bir çıkarıma dönüştürülmediği sürece hiçbir önem arz etmemektedirler. Şimdi elbette tercih sizlerin ancak bu derslerin bizler için çok önemli olduğunu göz önüne alarak ve tahmin ettiğim üzere okulda dolaşan korkulu senaryoları bir kenara bırakarak, karar vermeniz sizlerin yararınıza olacaktır

Yaşar Özge Delikkafa


All quizzes and homework should be sent to before the deadline to get a grade. Please be careful, otherwise you will get a grade zero.


Here you will find the slides from the classes and other supplementary material. Notice that some things are said but not written, so you better take good notes. We recommend taking notes with pen and paper using the Cornell Method.


By regulation from the Rectory, students need to attend at least 70% of the classes. The attendance book is updated every week and can be seen in Google Sheets.

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